Monday, May 30, 2011

Those eyes...133/365

Let there be many windows to your soul, that all the glory of the world may beautify it.
~Ella Wilcox


Somethin special....132/365

Yesterday she wanted to be a tennis player, today she wants to be a ballerina, I am sure tomorrow it will be a singer, it doesn't matter though cause whatever it is I am sure it will be special.

enjoy your gifts,



planting a tree

touch football games

chocolate chip cookies for no reason

going to a beautiful place to sit still and read

pine needles tipped with teardrops of rain

the color green

something that belongs to just you and no one else

butterflies migrating

picking flowers here and there, then putting them between the pages of a big heavy book to dry...


Radio Flyer...129/365

Somebody got a "new" bike the other day, and even though it's been around the block a time or two it's actually pretty tight... This boy has been riding his new bike non stop. We ride from the front door to the room to play, we ride to the bathroom to wash our hands for dinner, we ride into the kitchen to get the dinner, and when it's all said and done, we ride back to the bedroom to lay down to sleep. I think it's pretty cute. I really didn't even know he could ride the bike until he got on it and took off. Either way, I am glad this trike came into our lives.

O, and the bell is off the chain. I hadn't see one like it before. I think that's my favorite part...

Stay cool,


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ok, I'm gonna be real honest right now...Right now I feel like I am in a picture taking slump. I kinda feel like this 365 is my job. Like I am losing the desire to take pictures. I will go all day sometimes and not even pick up my camera, and then try and rush at the end of the day to get one in for 365. Then I will be mad cause I don't even like the picture that I didn't really put any thought into and rushed to take. Now, tell me, doesn't that seem silly. And then, it takes me like a whole week (or two) just to post stuff up. Sometimes I just want to give up. I don't want to do it anymore. Not just this project, but take pictures at all anymore. I feel like I could just walk away and it wouldn't even matter...

I need some inspiration people. I need it to feel special again. I don't know if it is because I don't have time to focus on myself and the things that I like or what. But by the time I settle down in the evening and get a minute to think I am so exhausted that I usually just fall straight to sleep.

Is this just me or do we all go thru some kind of slump in anything we do?? I don't know...

I'm gonna keep on pushing though. Forgive me, if it gets boring, or slow or indifferent, but just know that I am keeping my word...



Even though we live only about 6 blocks away from the beach sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that we can go weeks with out seeing it. Well I made it here today, and it's moments like these when the ocean is rumbling sweet nothings, and the setting sun is turning every thing amber that I reflect and remember why God is so good.



Just right...117/365

It was something about the light that made me want to remember this moment forever...



Sunday, May 15, 2011


As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you , O God.
~Psalm 42:1

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mother's day....114/365

Ok, if you couldn't tell, yes I am about a week behind. But I am still here and still in the game.

My mother's day was absolutely lovely. I got my order taken, and had breakfast in bed, got my homemade gifts in bed, listened to a new cd that I wanted . In bed. I didn't get out of the bed until around 11 am. It was awesome. Then that evening we went to dinner, and after dinner we all went for a walk on the beach. What could have been more perfect? Lord, I thank You for this life you have given me. I thank You for the children you have given me, and I thank you for the husband you have given me to share it all with. To be a mommie is the hardest job in the world sometimes, and yet it is most definitely the most rewarding.

* The above picture is the one I took for my 365, then Joe asked for the camera, and the one below is what he took. I love them both, but to be honest I kinda wished I had taken the one he took. :) Oh, well, I guess you can't get them all.



Friday, May 13, 2011


Life moves at the speed of light. What once was so far away is now staring you in the face. What seemed to be the far off future is now the very near present, soon to be the the long remembered past. Remember to live in your right now, before it becomes your back then.
~jaime r.


Thursday, May 12, 2011


O, to be as carefree as a child, where the wonders of the world can all be answered within the swish of a sword. It's the pirate's life for me.

I love this shot of Iz, it makes me want to keep him in this place and this space forever. I know childhood is fleeting, but sometimes...just sometimes, I wish it would stand still....
I love you Captain Jack.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Random things to be happy about today.....

coasting on a bicycle

cereal for dinner

writing on an etch-a-sketch

knowing your differentness is an asset

finding random rainbows inside your house...

much love,


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


You dance over me, while I am unaware
You sing all around but I never hear the sound
Lord I'm amazed by You
How you love me.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011


To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
~Elliott Erwitt


Monday, May 2, 2011

Just made it...108/365

I just barely made it, with one eye open, My picture takin eye. Hahaha. Goodnight.

I haven't missed a day yet.

Sweet dreams,


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Vintage romance...107/365

Dear digital,
I'm sorry, I have been having an affair. One that started out as nothing, just a glance, a sideways look that somehow turned into something more. I apologize for stepping out on you. No, it's not you it's me, don't cry, I still love you. I am sorry. It seems as if this other thing occupies my mind all.of.the.time. Sometimes, I think about carrying it instead of you. I know, I know, that sounds bad, but hey, I am only human. You have to know you could never be replaced. You were my first love, and that will never change. This love that I have for it is different. It's old school, more mature... in a vintagey kinda way. Can you ever forgive me?

*I've had this Kodak Duaflex for over 3 years now, and up until about a month ago I did not think it worked. Come to find out it does, and I have the film for it. I have been obsessed ever since. I will definitely post up some of the pics that I am able to get with it.

Until next time, stay sweet.
