My mother's day was absolutely lovely. I got my order taken, and had breakfast in bed, got my homemade gifts in bed, listened to a new cd that I wanted . In bed. I didn't get out of the bed until around 11 am. It was awesome. Then that evening we went to dinner, and after dinner we all went for a walk on the beach. What could have been more perfect? Lord, I thank You for this life you have given me. I thank You for the children you have given me, and I thank you for the husband you have given me to share it all with. To be a mommie is the hardest job in the world sometimes, and yet it is most definitely the most rewarding.

* The above picture is the one I took for my 365, then Joe asked for the camera, and the one below is what he took. I love them both, but to be honest I kinda wished I had taken the one he took. :) Oh, well, I guess you can't get them all.

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