When we were younger we used to drink kool-aid like it was going out of style. We used to mix packets together to try and make new flavors i.e. grape+lemonaid= grapeaid. I was so good at making it that I didn't even have to measure the sugar, I could just pour and knew by looks when to stop. Haha! In the summer time put it in the freezer and make popsicles out of it. Yessss. Kool-aid was definitely the stuff. I don't make it so much anymore today though. If my kids get it, it's usually a last resort treat. All that sugar that I know how to pour in by sight looks like a whole lot more than it needs to be. Don't get me wrong, you will still find this as a staple in my kitchen drawer, I just can't help myself at the grocery store, but we just don't drink it as much as I did as a kid. My favorite flavor is still (and always will be) Tropical Punch! What's yours???? red...purple...orange.... Oops! I mean cherry, grape, or orange.... Hahahaha. Kool-aid, forever yours.
Red! haha