ya'll. I am on a ROLL!! I know it is only about 10 days in, but I have stuck to my guns and taken at least one pic a day. And you know what? It is starting to feel good. ;) I am getting more accustomed to having my camera on me at all times, and actually looking for shots. At first I thought I might dread this, but this is actually really fun. Of course the true test will come in to play when I am on like day 165, or day 210, but as for now I am happily trucking along. Thank you to all my
facebook fans that are keeping me encouraged. Luv ya!

Once again I couldn't decide on just one so here is a second day 8.
I found the coolest most creativity inspiring
breakroom (for me at least) on 4
th st.

It was behind the store, and I bet you at night it was even cooler.
I'm keepin it up.
;) j
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