I am kinda funny when it comes to gifts. If I get something that I really, really love I will not use or wear that thing for quite a while before I break it in. For example, one Christmas my mother in law got me this awesome smelling perfume, it was great. I mean the bottle was beautiful, and the scent was heavenly. I loved that stuff
so much it sat on my dresser for well over a year before I ventured to grace my neck with it. I just liked to look at the bottle, and sniff it every now and then. I guess I just did not want to use it all up then have it be gone. So most of the time it just sat, looking pretty. Weird I know. I do the same thing with clothes, purses, shoes you name it. "Why not just use the stuff if you love it so much?" you ask. I'm not really sure. BUT if you ever give me a gift, and don't see me rockin it right away, don't be mad, just know that I really, really loved it. Really. ;)
Speaking of gifts, the other day I had the opportunity to hold a one of a kind gift that wasn't mine. Yet special none the less. *I guess it was a good thing she wasn't mine cause I probably would have set this one on the dresser for a year for sure! ; )
Baby S was an absolute joy to photograph. She made me work for her photos, little non sleeping girlie, but in the end it was a blessing spending time with her and her beautiful family. Enjoy, as I did, this heavenly gift from above...

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