Look at my boy. Isn't he just handsome?!? I absolutely love, LOVE, him in this suite. So much so I went and bought him another one from ebay immediately. This particular one was given to us from a friend, and I was saving it for him to wear to church for his dedication. Well for some reason or another the dedication kept getting pushed back, and I thought I better put him in this before it gets too small. Come to find out I was right on time. It was a 6/9 month suit, he was 8 months, I couldn't button the cuffs, and as you can see, I could barely get the collar and tie together. But he was cute in it anyway.

The next one is a 12 month suite and his dedication is next month, he will be 10 months, so he should be able to fit that one... if only for a hot minute.
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