Sunday, September 28, 2008

Pretty Ricky

that's what they call him.
Look at my boy. Isn't he just handsome?!? I absolutely love, LOVE, him in this suite. So much so I went and bought him another one from ebay immediately. This particular one was given to us from a friend, and I was saving it for him to wear to church for his dedication. Well for some reason or another the dedication kept getting pushed back, and I thought I better put him in this before it gets too small. Come to find out I was right on time. It was a 6/9 month suit, he was 8 months, I couldn't button the cuffs, and as you can see, I could barely get the collar and tie together. But he was cute in it anyway.

The next one is a 12 month suite and his dedication is next month, he will be 10 months, so he should be able to fit that one... if only for a hot minute.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So my niece came over to visit the other day. She is just too Cute (with a capital C)! I don't get to see her that much because my sister moved on the other side of town, but last week they came by, and her "party dress" just happened to be in the car, so you know the camera just had to come out. And I must say, ol' girl was working that dress!

I couldn't decide which one I liked best so I am gonna just post them all. Sorry if it's a little long.

Here she is with her mama. I tell you what, my sister has ALWAYS taken good pictures. I mean she couldn't take a bad picture if she tried. Me on the other hand...let's just say I have been known to have a claw like hand with only one eye consistently open in nearly ALL of my pictures. I guess that is why I am better behind the camera. Oh well. She is beautiful though isn't she. (some people just don't know what they have till it's gone. my PSA for sept '08)

~much love


Friday, September 26, 2008

Sleepin with my Art

Oh man! So yeah, it's been a minute since I have written. Yes, I have been away from my blog, but never too far from my camera. I have actually been working on my art series. I am putting together some pictures that can be purchased for fine art, I am also selling note cards, and trying to get together some pieces for an up coming jazz and poetry event at my church. All this, while trying to raise my offspring to follow The Father. So to say that I have been busy is an understatement.

What I did want to mention though was that all of the pictures you see on this blog (as long as they don't have an identifiable person in them) are available for purchase. I will try and label them as art, with a quick link on the side, but sometimes I forget. Just contact me and we can discuss the details, sizing, pricing, format. Most of them can be printed pretty large, I can also do note cards, postcards and canvases. Just let me know what you would like.

Here are a few pieces I have been working on....

There are more pieces coming. I will most definitely keep you updated.



Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm still here.

No, I did not fall off planet earth. No, I did not quit. I am still here. Just a little bit of a frazzled and overwhelmed here. My apologies for neglecting this blog. I will do better. Promise. Pictures to come...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Word painting

So, I was reading this book the other day, and I don't think I have ever read anything like it before. The subject and content was ok. But the way it was written, the way the author painted with his words, was amazing. It was a love story seen through the eyes of two people. The man and the woman involved, and basically the man and woman fall in love at a young age, but the woman ends up marrying and loving someone else, while the man waits, and waits, and waits for her. It is not until they are both old (70 somethings) that they end up getting together. I know that sounds strange, a love story about old people, but this book spans their entire lives and it is really pretty good. The reason I say pretty good, is because some of the descriptions and graphics were a little too descriptive, and if you were to pick it up and only have read that one page you would be questioning its' content. Other than that, it was really good. Anyway, back to his word painting. There were several passages in the book that were so artistically written, to me, they made my heart smile. Listen.

"Then he knew that they had rounded the cape of good hope, and he took her large, soft hand again and covered it with forlorn little kisses, first the metacarpus, the long discerning fingers...and then the hieroglyphics of her destiny on her perspiring palm."

I just love the end part about the hieroglyphics, it took me a minute to figure out what he was saying, but when I did, it captured me.

"By the time she finished unburdening herself, someone had turned off the moon."

The author could have just said "it was late". But turning off the moon... now that was something I hadn't heard before.

"She was embarrassed when she greeted him, and he was more embarrassed by her embarrassment. The knowledge that they were behaving as if they were sweethearts was even more embarrassing, and the knowledge that they were both embarrassed embarrassed them so much that the Captian Samaritano noticed it with a tremor of compassion."

Can you imagine two people thinking that they were at the end of their lives, falling in love again and not knowing what to do about it? I think sometimes the world saves love for the young. When in reality love is for everyone. Anyway sorry for the long post, but this book was so wonderfully written I just had to share... Happy Reading!

*sigh* with love,
