Well, spring break is over and the kids went back to school today. While I am relieved for them to be "occupied," we sure did have fun while they were home. We made crafts, went to the park, got wet in the front yard, had lazy mornings and long late nights. All these things left an aura of summer itching to break thru, and we all are excited about whats to come. I really can't believe school is almost out. I can still remember the first day when uniforms were all shiny and new. But, hey I am getting ahead of my self, out here we still have like a month and a half left. I know in Colorado its down to just weeks. For now though take a little peek at what we did this last week, and enjoy the fun. ;)
We built marshmallow and toothpick creations. There were marshmallows everywhere, big and small. This here is the flintstone's car.

And this started out as a star, but now kinda looks like some prehistoric animal coming to invade planet earth.
We built marshmallow and toothpick creations. There were marshmallows everywhere, big and small. This here is the flintstone's car.

And this started out as a star, but now kinda looks like some prehistoric animal coming to invade planet earth.

I hope your spring break was as much fun as ours, even if it was mostly home grown.