Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prelude to summer...103,104,105,106/365

Well, spring break is over and the kids went back to school today. While I am relieved for them to be "occupied," we sure did have fun while they were home. We made crafts, went to the park, got wet in the front yard, had lazy mornings and long late nights. All these things left an aura of summer itching to break thru, and we all are excited about whats to come. I really can't believe school is almost out. I can still remember the first day when uniforms were all shiny and new. But, hey I am getting ahead of my self, out here we still have like a month and a half left. I know in Colorado its down to just weeks. For now though take a little peek at what we did this last week, and enjoy the fun. ;)

We built marshmallow and toothpick creations. There were marshmallows everywhere, big and small. This here is the flintstone's car.

And this started out as a star, but now kinda looks like some prehistoric animal coming to invade planet earth.

~Bubbles make the world go round. ~

New swimsuits mean summer is on the way!!!

Joe joined a baseball team and they play Friday nights.

It's fun to see him running around trying to catch the ball. You know I am cheering on my man, and the kids are having a blast too. We love it.

This is at Santa Monica pier. We had a lot of fun there too. Lots of interesting people.

I hope your spring break was as much fun as ours, even if it was mostly home grown.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Random things to be happy about today...

cupcake icing

moonbeam blue, sunset pink, cotton cloud white, astroturf green

the eveloution of a child's vocabulary

artistic license

and creative photography :)

much ♥,


Monday, April 25, 2011


Spring break has begun! Everybody is home...

phew, it's gonna be a long week.... ;)



Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Resurrection day!...100/365

Happy Easter!! He is risen!! He lives!!

I thank You Lord for your sacrifice. Hallelujah!


p.s. this marks 100 days of 365. Can you believe it already?? Only 265 more to go. :)

Colored eggs...99/365

Coloring eggs, getting ready for the big hunt.

I love all the vibrant colors.



Cool, refreshing drink.

Cucumber water.


Saturday, April 23, 2011


Two of my favorite people this size came to visit this past weekend. My mama and my Auntie. I was more than overjoyed to see them, and so were the kids. They left on Easter morning. I miss them already....


I am....96/365

This was one of my proudest moments ever as a mother. Olivia was given an assignment in class to write a poem called "I am" and describe herself. I remember hearing her talk about some things she wanted to say, but I never did get to see the finished result. Open house was held last week on Wednesday, and this was the first time I got to see the poem on display outside of her classroom. After I read it I cried. I truly thanked God for what He has given me and for reminding me that Joe and my efforts to be the best godly parents we can be are working. Even if we don't see it every day. So with out further ado here is "I am"...

I am

By Olivia

I am God's daughter and a friend

I wonder about how long I will live

I hear God talking to me

I see a good future with a little of mistakes

I want to be a good person

I am God's daughter and a friend

I pretend to be a teacher

I feel protected in my house

I touch my pencil every 5 seconds

I worry about how long I will live

I cry when somebody dies

I am God's daughter and a friend

I understand people have to die

I say if you try you can do it

I dream of going to college

I try to improve my actions in school

I hope to live until I am 109 years old

I am God's daughter and friend

I love you girl.

Love, mom


Totally random, no meaning what so ever. Just #95 of 365.



Slow buds the pink dawn like a rose from out night's gray and cloudy sheath; softly and still it grows and grows. Petal by petal, leaf by leaf.

~Susan Coolidge


I am trying to get back on track ya'll. Yes I have taken a picture everyday, but I have fallen behind in posting those pics, which I feel is kinda taking away from 365 just a bit. So, in an effort to get back on track I am going on a posting binge right now. I am only about 9 days behind so this should be fairly quick and easy.

The girls made a new friend at the park. "Mr. Dubbs"

I was shocked Sid held him without hesitation.

Of course this one is never scared.

And this is my little cowboy. He had been talking about pony rides all week at his school, so when the day finally came he was so ready. :)

Saturday fun...

And this last one is a picture of my first large scale sale. Love Rain goes big, 37x40 to be exact. I'm a little jealous, I want one this big to put in my bed room.

Now, on to posting palooza part 2...


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

If I had a game room...89/365

I think I would put all of these in it.

I love this series. Actually I wasn't trying to make a series or anything, but to me they all just kinda fit. This one is my favorite.

Everyone knows what game this is. Sid is the reigning champ at our house, she is not to be messed with.

Have fun,


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sometimes I surprise myself. I think I want this kinda big in the bathroom. But is it weird to have the picture next to the actual scene in the bathroom? Yeah, maybe I should wait until the duck no longer works, then I can put this up...


Death by camera...87/365


Monday, April 18, 2011


Another shot from an art project I am involved in. Basically we are interviewing people, and recording parts of their life stories. I am around to try and put pictures to the words that are being spoken. I love this shot, it makes me feel like I am doing my job...


Bad Boys, Bad Boys...85/365

What chu gonna do, what chu gonna do when they come for you?

As seen from my cousins front yard. The block was hot! I didn't do it. Did you?


Monday, April 11, 2011


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6

Thank you guys for being so much more than just a place that I take my child while I work. You love him as I do, and care for him as I would and to a mother that is priceless. We love you more than words. ♥



lovingness, finding two good reasons to do something, "My Girl" (song), the beginning of spring, with the promise of summer, anything yellow...
Stay good.



I got that boy in training. Tether ball champs till the end! ...its just me. One day I will get the courage up to post a better one of me. Until then, {j}


Always on the job, doing what he does best! Haha!


Beautiful mistakes...80/365

I love this picture. It was one I took while trying to do something else, and when I saw it for the first time on the back of my camera, I actually counted it as a mistake and was ready to discard it. Isn't it funny how sometimes He can take those things that we count as something all wrong and turn it into something so right? I am gowing through this lens, I just know it.
Thank you Lord.


Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sometimes, you have to look back to remember why you must push forward. ♥, mama

Ka-ray-z kid....78/365

I love this kid. I couldn't get him to sit still for too long....This was as good as it got. :) ♥, j

A special friday...77/365

Last friday I was so excited to be a part of "First Fridays" in Bixby Knolls. First Fridays is a night when artist get to showcase their work to the local community, hang out amongst other artys people and possibly sell some of your stuff. Here was my set up. I love the way it turned out. I was so proud, seeing all my stuff on display like that. While, I didn't really sell as much as I would have liked, I definitely enjoyed the night. Thank you to all of my friends and family that came thru to show little 'ole me some love. You all are too good to me. ;) And here is the man of the hour. He makes all my pictures look good. I love you son. with love, {j}


In life there are seasons.... for my girls, a new one has just begun. Go Bixby! love, peace, and hairgrease. ~j

Oh yeeeeah!...75/365

When we were younger we used to drink kool-aid like it was going out of style. We used to mix packets together to try and make new flavors i.e. grape+lemonaid= grapeaid. I was so good at making it that I didn't even have to measure the sugar, I could just pour and knew by looks when to stop. Haha! In the summer time put it in the freezer and make popsicles out of it. Yessss. Kool-aid was definitely the stuff. I don't make it so much anymore today though. If my kids get it, it's usually a last resort treat. All that sugar that I know how to pour in by sight looks like a whole lot more than it needs to be. Don't get me wrong, you will still find this as a staple in my kitchen drawer, I just can't help myself at the grocery store, but we just don't drink it as much as I did as a kid. My favorite flavor is still (and always will be) Tropical Punch! What's yours???? Oops! I mean cherry, grape, or orange.... Hahahaha. Kool-aid, forever yours.

Be still...74/365

and know that I am God. ~Psalm 46:10 {j}


Things to be happy about today... the remote control in your possession, pizzazz, going roller-skating on a saturday, Wi-Fi cards, and multi-colored earrings...
Be blessed.



Sometimes its hard to remember... Sometimes I tend to forget... just how special these three really are. When life gets going and things have to get done, sometimes I treat these kids as ordinary when I know they are anything but. . I am thankful for my camera though, because late at night when I am laying in bed completely worn out by the day I pull out my lap top and up come some pictures that remind me just how special my kids really are, and I am humbled. Thank you Lord for reminding me of the little things...



Art is relative...71/365

My girls took an art class and they really enjoyed it. It was just a one time thing, however, since the art studio was going to have an art show the girls were allowed to admit their work to the show. This is them at the reception, each one standing by their own pieces. Let me tell you, I was so proud of these two, and so amazed at the great job they had done. They both did some awesome stuff. Even now as I look at them I am grinning ear to ear.
Thank you Lord for these girls You have blessed me with. They have talents within that I could have never foretold, and I know that this is just the beginning. I am blessed by just being their mother. You, Father, remind me of that daily.

I love you girls, and am proud of everything you do.

