Shhhh, listen....did you hear that? It's a sigh. One that all mother's across Southern California let out collectively as they sent their children off to school. Yes, that's right, it's back to school time! Hip Hip Horaaay!! Just kidding. But no really, I think the girls were just as excited as I was to be heading off to school. They are ready to make new friends, conquer new spelling words, and master the art of tether ball. The first day of school is always tough for me though. On one hand I am happy to get the kids out of the house (and my hair), but on the other hand I secretly get real emotional about it. I mean a new year forces me to face the fact that my children are growing up. Their supply lists get more complicated, their homework increases and their clothing size has jumped up a number or two. During the summer these things don't get noticed. At the start of a new school year, we actually have to acknowledged that those pants and shoes don't fit, and we need to get you some new ones. Really, I miss my babies already. I no longer have a newbie to elementary school, last year's kindergardner is not the littlest on the playground anymore, and my original kindergardner is now half way to middle school. What am I going to do!?! Lord! Having your children grow up right before your eyes is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

But anywhoo, it must be done. I know I am not the first, and I am definitely not the last...
I love you girls, and I am proud of the beautiful young ladies you are becoming. May this school year bless you, and encourage you to be the smarty pants I know you to be.
Love always,