I just wanted to make this official, so as of right now, I am officially letting everyone know that we have moved to California. If you don't know, now ya know. Me, my family, the dog and this business are now located in sunny southern California. If you live in Colorado I am no longer able to take your pictures (unless of course you pay for my air fare and get me there, then I would be more than happy to oblige) If you live in Long Beach or any of the surrounding areas I am now available for purchase....my services that is. ; )
I am starting from scratch y'all, every person is going to be brand new. It's a little unnerving, but I think I am up for the challenge. So if you know somebody that knows somebody that may need a pic or two, throw them my way. Or better yet, throw yourself my way first, that way you can tell all your people how cool I really am. Just kidding. But really my contact info can be found at the bottom of this page....Until next time.