Thursday, December 30, 2010

Playing catch up

***Long Post warning**

Ok, so I am going to bring you up to speed with what I have been doing in the last month. I have celebrated birthdays, had a Happy Thanksgiving, enjoyed a Merry Christmas shot a couple of newborns and am getting ready to ring in a New Year. Man! Does time fly when you are having fun....

We partied harrrrrd for my little man's 3rd birthday. He is so into pirates right now that you would think his dad was a sea captain!

My first (and possibly the last depending on how long this pirate fascination lasts) attempt at a pirate ship cake. Let's just say it tasted better than it sailed! There were about a million skewers and toothpicks holding this joker together.

Thanks to cousin Harley for letting us party at her place. Good food, good fun, arrrgh the makings for a wonderful pirate party!

On the artwork side of things, I got the chance to set up a booth at a local community market to sell some photography for Christmas. This was my first booth anywhere ever, and I was so excited yet nervous at the same time.

Good thing I had some company to keep me grounded.

My art booth ended up being a major success! I sold about 75% of my work! I was so shocked, but proud that people were buying my work. It made me smile inside. I just want to thank all the unknown folks that bought my work, and unbeknownst to them, put my heart just above cloud nine. ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!!

I also had the pleasure of shooting a lovely newborn this month. Meet baby C*. She was a sleepy little thing, bless her heart. I loved that I was able to move her and she barely even flinched.

**(side note: I apologize now for the large copyright on the photos, I am working on something more pleasing to the eye. :))

So precious....
Thank you baby C* and family, it was great getting to know you for a few hours, and it would be my blessing if we got to do it again. much love♥♥♥

Well folks, that's it for now, and in conclusion I must say that I am truly blessed. This year has been a real roller coaster for my entire family and praise Him we are still standing. I just want to thank all my faithful followers, those that believe in me time and time again (even when I don't believe in myself), and to all the peeps that love me for just being me...I could not do it without you. May this upcoming year be all that you could ever ask or hope for.

Love+ Peace

Friday, November 19, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Grandpa. I can't believe its been so long. We really miss you. I wish you were here. But I know where you are, and I know who you are with, and I know that those streets of gold have not been the same since you have arrived.

*Last years surprise birthday party.

Be good gpa, and don't do anything I wouldn't do. ;)

Love you,


Monday, November 15, 2010

9 & 7

Last week, both of my girls celebrated their birthdays, and as you may have guessed by this post's title one turned 9 years old and the other turned 7.

We had their birthday party together and it was outside at the park. Yes! You heard me correct (Colorado readers) for the first time in the girls' birthday history we had their birthday party outside. We were in sunny California and loving it. Of course we missed a few key people (Mela, Nana, Papa, Auntie j, Keli, and Aunty H), but for a few hours the playground was ours for the taking.

The theme of the party was gumball, and I think by the time the party was over all of our guests were gumballed out. We had a gumball cake, we had gumball favors, we had gumball games. Seriously, the gumball situation was out of control. But hey, I loved every minute of it, and I hope my girls did too.

Cause everything I do (well not everything, wink, wink) is usually just for you two. Love u more than rainbows and ponies!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Halloween came in a lovely whirlwind. It is just the beginning of what I like to call the Holidaze.

My own personal little pirate. Argggh!! May-te

The angel (with white face paint, who did not really need white face paint, but wanted it because her sister had it), and the (budget friendly) bride of Frankenstein.

My sister and her family. Collectively they represent the wizard of oz.

My nephew, the nerd.

But, it's already time to move on. Next is Thanksgiving then there's Christmas. I don't know if it is just me, or if everyone gets a little overwhelmed at this time of year?? The Holidaze always seem to go by in a blur for me because in the midst of the daze I have many of family birthdays peppered in between. This time though, I think I am ready. I am going to tackle this holiday season con much gusto! Let just hope the season doesn't tackle me back!

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
-- Hamilton Wright Mabie

Even though it makes me a little crazy, I love it anyway.

Much love,

Sunday, September 12, 2010

New School Year, New Pants 2010-2011

Shhhh, listen....did you hear that? It's a sigh. One that all mother's across Southern California let out collectively as they sent their children off to school. Yes, that's right, it's back to school time! Hip Hip Horaaay!! Just kidding. But no really, I think the girls were just as excited as I was to be heading off to school. They are ready to make new friends, conquer new spelling words, and master the art of tether ball. The first day of school is always tough for me though. On one hand I am happy to get the kids out of the house (and my hair), but on the other hand I secretly get real emotional about it. I mean a new year forces me to face the fact that my children are growing up. Their supply lists get more complicated, their homework increases and their clothing size has jumped up a number or two. During the summer these things don't get noticed. At the start of a new school year, we actually have to acknowledged that those pants and shoes don't fit, and we need to get you some new ones. Really, I miss my babies already. I no longer have a newbie to elementary school, last year's kindergardner is not the littlest on the playground anymore, and my original kindergardner is now half way to middle school. What am I going to do!?! Lord! Having your children grow up right before your eyes is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

But anywhoo, it must be done. I know I am not the first, and I am definitely not the last...
I love you girls, and I am proud of the beautiful young ladies you are becoming. May this school year bless you, and encourage you to be the smarty pants I know you to be.

Love always,

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Haven't done this is a while

I been so busy tackling summer with the kids, that this blog has been suffering. I am here today though, and I have decided to hit you with some random things to be happy about.

Doing the right thing even when no one is looking.
(*we watched the movie The Box last night, totally a trip, almost too far out for me.)

The quiet in a church before the bride says "I do"

kindergartners on their first trip to the library

and tumbling children on the beach

much love,


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pic of the Week

A mother's treasure is her daughter
~Catherine Pulsifer

It's true indeed. ♥♥♥

Friday, July 2, 2010

Bev+Louis {Engagement 2010}

Beverly and I have been friends for quite some time now. We have been there for each other through many of the ups and downs that life tends to bring. Well for all the time that I have known her, and some time before that, Bev has been waiting for, and believing for "Mr. Right" to show up. Unfortunately for her, and him, Mr. Right has been MIA. Then one day she met a man named Louis... We found out that not only was he Mr. Right, but he was also Mr. Right on time. Louis came along and filled a space made just for him, that no one else could have fit. I am so happy for my girl, and it was more than an honor to be able to document her and Louis' love. I wish I could have done the wedding pics, but it's kinda hard when you are a bridesmaid too (that was another honor bestowed upon me by Bev.)

Beverly, you know I love you girl, and even though Mr. Louis came along and filled a special space for you I hope you know I will always be there for I know you will be for me. Congratulations to you and Louis!
God Bless,
♥ j