I know this is a bit late, but I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Mine was blessed. We spent the entire day at home with our little family unit, and it was wonderful. I cooked (with a little help from Joe) and everything turned out great.
Next is the the New Year. I am so excited because I have this "old school" party to go to. I am going to go with the 80's for my old school attire. There will be prizes for the best dressed. You know I am trying to win that! There will also be a prize for the best old school dance. I don't know what I am going to do there.... my mom suggested the hustle...I am not even sure I know how to do that properly. I am open though, so if you have any suggestions leave me a comment. I will definitely have to post pics of the party. I have a feeling it is going to be off the chain!! I am not sure if I will put myself up, we will see. Anyway, I hope you all have a good new years eve. Be safe, and I will holla at you soon.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
The 411
Wow! There is so much going on right now, I can hardly keep up. I really don't know where to

Doesn't it look amazing!?! Yeah, that's what I thought too.
begin, so I will just jump in....
The day after Thanksgiving was my birthday. I will not put in print on the galaxy wide Internet how old I turned however, those who know me know what's up. But I will say it was my best birthday ever. My husband blessed me with something I had been talking about for weeks, and really thought I was not going to get. I spent time with friends and family, and ended the night with a full stomach. What more could anyone ask for???
My baby boy turns one today. It is really amazing, the transformation one makes from newborn to toddler. I mean you go from not being able to hold your head up, eating only milk, and sleeping most of the day to running on your own two feet, eating what ever you can find (on the floor and other places), and hardly taking a nap at all. A child's first year is really an amazing journey. I am a little sad that my man is growing up, but at the same time I am excited to see the person he is becoming. I guess this is one of God's tricks for making you have more children. It's like my body yearns for that squishy little newborn, even though I know they don't stay that way forever. While my mind is screaming "NOOOOOO, are you KaRazy!?! Quit while you are ahead." My husband actually wants another child. I don't know how I feel about that. Actually I do know how I feel, and it's not quite the same as him. Sometimes I am really torn. So, let's just leave it at that.
Christmas is coming up. I have not even started shopping. I am so worn out by the girl's parties, the baby's party, my bday, thanksgiving....I shopped for their birthdays and now I have to shop for Christmas.....it all seems endless. I am truly struggling to get in the holiday spirit. Of course when I go to Walmart the massive crowds of people do not help. I just barely put my tree up last night, and that was only after my oldest child begged for 3 days straight! Don't get me wrong, I am not a Scrouge, I love Christmas, but man, can a sista get a break!!!?!!
In other news, I did have an awesome photo shoot the other day. It was for the cover of a soon to be released book written by an amazing author named Amanda Stahnke. Amanda's book is called, The How To's of I Do's Finding your Mr. Right, and because she can describe it better than I can I will give you the link to check it out ... http://www.webspawner.com/users/freedomwriting/index.html. Amanda is a very talented writer, and I believe this young lady's future is looking bright. I took all the photos of her on the site. Here are some pictures from our time together.

We were on location at the home of a friend of Amanda. People, this house was off the chain!!!! Literally. It was so big my house could have fit in it's kitchen. It could have been on HGTV it was that nice. Right when you walk in the front door there was this beautiful stone wall that when the light hit it it was like magic. I was truly in love. Thank you Mrs. V for letting us roam your home and take pictures. It was a place I won't soon forget. { p.s I see your home in my dreams ; ) }
Here is the shot that made the cover.
Here is the shot that made the cover.

Here it is as the cover.

Doesn't it look amazing!?! Yeah, that's what I thought too.
So go check out Amanda's book, especially if you are in the market for Finding your Mr. Right.
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