He is so chunky, sometimes I just want to bite him. I mean really.
Let me tell you, I just LOVE fat babies. You know, the ones that don't hardly have a neck, and their arms and legs come in sections. All of my children have been that way. But it seems like my boy is just especially thick. People ask me all the time "what are you feeding that boy!!". Most of the time I really don't have an answer so I just shrug my shoulders and say "nuthin but nature's best" {wink, wink}. This kid is such a happy baby, not much gets him upset...unless he is hungry of course. He makes me smile.
These were taken the other day. I love how they came out. Happy thursday...

*he is just learning how to pull himself up and stand. I love the tongue hanging out, while he uses all his strength to get up. ; )
