Friday, March 28, 2008


Jax, Jax, what can I say? This kid is awesome. He is really low maintence, he eats what ever you put in front of him, and he has the best blue eyes west of Powers. My nephew is just too cute. The other day we were hangin' at family's house and I had a quick photo session with him (meaning less than 15 minutes cause he is a very active toddler!) and the few that I did catch of him were adorable.

I love his shirt "My parents are exhausted"

Until next time,



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Everyday Art

Photography to me is about more than just taking pictures of people. I love taking pictures of everyday objects and giving the pictures as gifts. Not only does it give me practice when times are slow, but it is a way of relaxing for me. I don't have to talk to anyone, I can just get out the camera and be in my own little world. It's really quite nice.

Anyway, having said all that, I am exctied to share with you some of my still life, abstract, random everyday art. These are the things that make me happy...

Stay sweet


Friday, March 21, 2008

Baby Love

Maybe it's cause I have not had a baby in the house in a while, or because I know that this is my last child, but I must say that I absolutely love loooovve huggin on my baby boy. He is just so chunky. Right now we are trying to get him transitioned out of our bed and into his own room/bed, and things are working great. But when he is not there I miss him. I feel like I need to have his head right under my armpit, I need to smell his hot little baby breath swirling in and out of his perfect toothless grin. I feel as if when he is not around my arms are aching to hold him. I know, I know, he needs to be in his own bed, and the longer I wait the harder it will be, but dang, I miss the little man. I told my husband "Honey I have fallen in love with another man" (he did not really think that was a funny statement until I explained to him that it was our son), and it's true! I did not think it could happen, but yet again... another Renville has stolen my heart.

Who loves ya baby??


Thursday, March 6, 2008

2009 Senior Rep

Calling all seniors! Calling all seniors!
The 2007-2008 school year is fast approaching it's end. Spring break is in a few weeks. Then it will be summertime! Yaaaay!! So right now j'marie photography is looking for it's 2008-2009 high school senior representative. What does a senior rep do you may ask. Well they are given the hard task of being in tons of beautiful pictures, and sharing those pictures with their friends. Yep, you heard me right, showin' off yo fine self for me and all your friends is the hardest thing I am going to ask you to do. Of course there are other benefits for the '09 rep as well* I will let you know more on that to soon*. But as for now, if you are interested in applying to be my senior rep for 2009 shoot me an email at . Ahite? Ahite!
Now here are a few photos from a senior session I did last year.

Until next time.

~ j

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

When is summer coming?

We had the craziest weekend here in Colorado. On Saturday the weather was just beautiful. It was....84 degrees....cumulus clouds....., no really, it wasn't quite that hot. But it was nice, at least 65. As my brother-in-law kept saying, it was "bar-b-que" weather. You did not even need a jacket. You should have seen all the people out and about. After a sucky cold, never ending winter, this day seemed to be the answer to everyone's prayers.
And then (que the music** dun, dun, dunnn) there was Sunday. We woke up to almost blizzard conditions. There was a little snow on the ground, but what put the icing on the cake was the fact that it was windy. The wind was blowing the snow sideways and causing what was on the roads to ice over. It was truly ridiculous! But that is Colorado for you. One day sunny, the next day snowy. And I guess that is why so many people love it. Some days I have my doubts. Do you? Tell me where you live and why you love it, and if you don't why you hate it. I am in the market for a change, I just don't know when or where. And hey! who knows you may just seem me and my crew in your neighborhood if the temperature is right. ; )

much love,
